2021 PBPN Ethics and Gaming Commission Swearing-In

7.29.21 – PBPN Chairman Joseph Rupnick officiates as (from left) Angela Greemore-Wahweotten, Virginia LeClere, Royetta Rodewald and Joe Mitchell recite the oath of office for their respective commissions.


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation completed the swearing-in ceremony today for incumbent Gaming Commissioner #2 Joe Mitchell along with the newly elected Ethics Commissioners Angela Greemore-Wahweotten as Chairperson, Royetta Rodewald as Vice-Chairperson, and Virginia LeClere as Secretary. PBPN Chairman Joseph Rupnick officiated the event at the old Bingo Hall where Social distancing protocols were in place due to COVID-19, which included wearing masks and limiting attendance to 45 people.

Following the oath of office, Mitchell delivered an eloquent speech enumerating several virtues of the Potawatomi people that he ascribes to while undertaking his role as a Commissioner and included his thanks to the community for allowing him to continue to be a leader of the Nation. This is Mitchell’s second, consecutive four-year term serving on the PBPN Gaming Commission. Mitchell ran uncontested for the position and received 548 votes at the July 24, 2021 ballot count.

7.29.21 – Incumbent Joe Mitchell addressed the crowd with good words after receiving a Pendleton blanket honoring his second term as a Gaming Commissioner.

During the course of his first term from 2017 through 2021, the Gaming Commission approved Class II Gaming at One Stop and established Class III Skill-based Technical Standards, along with navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. Mitchell was also instrumental in the revision of the Nation’s Law and Order Code, Title XII: Gaming in 2020.
An active steward of the community, Mitchell is currently running uncontested to serve on the Royal Valley USD #337 School board for Position 4. Pending election outcomes this would be his first term on the school board, with members assuming their roles in January 2022.

Additionally, the role of Gaming Commissioner #1 remains undetermined until the Run-Off Election between candidates Chago Hale and incumbent Lisa Wamego is determined on August 21, 2021, while the Ethics Commission is now complete with no vacancies.

Joining the Ethics Commission for their first terms are Angela Greemore-Wahweotten and Royetta Rodewald. Greemore-Wahweotten has previously served on the PBPN Constitution Committee helping draft revisions to the Nation’s governing document and Rodewald formerly served as the Nation’s Judicial Administrator of the PBPN Tribal District Court for over 10 years. Both individuals bring a wealth of knowledge in relation to the Nation’s constitution and law and order codes.

Virginia LeClere will continue on in her role as Ethics Commission Secretary. LeClere was initially appointed to the role by Tribal Council in 2019 to serve the remainder of a vacated term. She brings with her 7 years of previous experience on the Ethics Commission serving from 2008 through 2014, and over 21 years of professional experience within the PBPN Community, currently overseeing the Nation’s Planning and Environmental Protection department.

The Ethics Commission’s purpose is to investigate and hear complaints against Nation officials that arise under the code of ethics provisions. The full body of the Ethics Commission now includes Chairperson Angela Greemore-Wahweotten, Vice-Chairperson Royetta Rodewald, Secretary Virginia LeClere, Commissioner #1 Jessica Burghart, Commissioner #2 Shawnna Wabaunsee and Commissioner #3 Allison Pahmahmie.

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7.29.21 – Chairman Joseph Rupnick began the Swearing-In Ceremony by reminding everyone that the COVID-19 Pandemic continues and highly encouraged everyone to get vaccinated.


7.29.21 – PBPN Tribal Council and the newly sworn in Commissioners – from left PBPN TC Member Tony Wahweotten, Ethics Commission Vice-Chairperson Royetta Rodewald, TC Treasurer Wade Pahmahmie, TC Member Bill Evans, TC Secretary Camilla Chouteau, TC Vice-Chairman Zach Pahmahmie, TC Chairman Joseph Rupnick, Gaming Commissioner #2 Joe Mitchell, Ethics Chairperson Angela Greemore-Wahweotten, TC Member Raphael Wahwassuck and Ethics Secretary Virginia LeClere.


7.29.21 – Members of the Election Committee in attendance included Chair Iva Rank, Vice-Chair Lance Wishkeno, and Alternate Shirley Rice.