2024 Candidates for Council Position #2


Ronald “Tony” Wahweotten

Bosho, members of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation

My name is Ronald Anthony (Tony) Wahweotten. I have lived my entire life on and off the reservation in the surrounding areas of Mayetta, Hoyt, and Topeka. Traditionalists and modernists in my family have helped and supported me to acquire skills to support the lifeways of both traditional and contemporary worlds. I have a profound respect for all our resources. I have gained this respect through personal relationships with each generation, and through hunting, fishing, gardening, and gathering. I am a healthy, non-smoking, drug and alcohol-free member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

I have two Prairie Band parents. My father (nosbėn) is Ronald Wahweotten, son of Ray Wahweotten and Elsie Wahwassuck-Wahweotten. My mother (nt̄ēneyneybėn) is LaVeda Thomas-Wahweotten, daughter of Charles Thomas and Lillian Shopteese-Thomas. I am married to Angela Greemore-Wahweotten, and have three beautiful, adult children, Chaumin, Brennah, and Zach. We have been in our current residence in Mayetta for 31 years.

I graduated from Royal Valley High School in 1984. I went to work for the USDA as a Field Office Engineering Technician. I learned survey and design techniques regarding water preservation and soil erosion practices. This has given me knowledge that I have and will continue to utilize and share to benefit our Nation in water sovereignty and I will also work to manage our common land base efficiently and correctly in support of conservation. In 1996, I created 1st Nations Painting, Inc. I am presently the sole owner of the company. I have successfully obtained contracts and have managed the completion of properties here within our Nation’s common lands. While managing 1st Nation Inc, I served as chair for the Nation’s Zoning Committee for fifteen years, as board member & acting Chairman for the Land’s committee for eight years and was a member of the PBPN powwow committee for four years. Skills such as leadership, business management, dependability, time management, and self-sufficiency development through years of dedication and hard work. Since elected to Tribal Council, I temporarily surrendered the duties as Manager of 1st Nations Inc.

I understand the tribal governance and policies within the Tribal Constitution, bylaws, charters, the established authority of the enumerated powers, and the documented rules regulating Tribal Council functions. I have built and will continue to have professional, constructive, and positive relationships with current Tribal Council members. I also carry a proficiency needed to understand meeting procedures, election protocol, and the authority within each tribal council position’s description. I have both participated in and supported team building with the Tribe’s executive management teams, department directors, and staff, to help contribute as a progressing tribal government. I have also served in positions such as Tax Commissioner (locally), as the appointed Land Management Liaison/Vice Chair for the Land Management Committee, and as a Primary Delegate for the Nation, where I nationally participate in the Intertribal Agriculture Council. These positions and my current Tribal Council position have exercised my accountability within the Tribe’s financial and environmental sustainability efforts. This experience has and will help me to continue aligning priorities within the Tribe’s 5-year Strategic Plan. I have developed reviews, reports, and dashboards, ensuring progress toward tribal projects, goals, and services in an appropriate manner.

I am seeking re-election as a candidate for Tribal Council Member #2. I will continue working on solving issues through my position to contribute to the growth and stability within and for our Nation. It has been an honor serving the PBPN at this capacity. Since I was elected, I have learned, embraced, and will continue to develop skills needed to persist in being an efficient Tribal Council member. I will do my best in representing our Nation if elected and would appreciate your vote. If you have any questions or would like to discuss anything, I can be reached via and/or on Facebook as “Tony Wahweotten TC Candidate.”

Warm regards
Tony Wahweotten