Author Archives: Andrew

Tribal Council in Washington, D.C. This Week for Tribal Nations Conference with President

December 14, 2010 – Yesterday in Washington while Obama was working on the tax bill and signing into law another bill to help with school lunch programs for children, Chairman Steve Ortiz was in a Health and Human Services (HHS) … Continue reading

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D.C. Update

December 14, 2010 – WASHINGTON, D.C.: Today Tribal Chair Steve Ortiz will continue to attend high level meetings at the Department of Interior (DOI) while Jancita Warrington will also meet with officials and attend meetings organized by the National Congress … Continue reading

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Obama Signs Cobell Claims Settlement Into Law with H.R. 4783

December 08, 2010 – Statement by the President on H.R. 4783 Today I have signed into law H.R. 4783, the “Claims Resolution Act of 2010.”  This Act, among other things, provides funding and statutory authorities for the settlement agreements reached in … Continue reading

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Steve Ortiz Selected to HHS Secretary’s First Tribal Advisory Committee

December 06, 2010 – MAYETTA:  Chairman Steve Ortiz was announced today as one of  the individuals who will serve on  HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius’ Tribal Advisory Committee (STAC), the first tribal advisory committee established to advise the Secretary in the … Continue reading

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Message from Ken Salazar on Historic Legislation Passed Today

November 30, 2010 – Fulfilling Our Promise in Indian Country Posted by Secretary Ken Salazar on November 30, 2010 at 04:41 PM EST Two years ago, President Barack Obama vowed that this administration would work with Native Americans to empower … Continue reading

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Language Department Community Meeting Tomorrow Night

November 29, 2010 – MAYETTA:  The second in a series of community meetings will be held tomorrow evening by the Language Department as a means of gaining input for the survival of the Prairie Band Potawatomi language. The meeting will revolve around … Continue reading

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Harvest Feast Draws Large Crowd

November 23, 2010 – MAYETTA:  Outside last night there was a large harvest moon beaming bright on the common land while inside the Bingo Hall a feast of harvest was taking place.  Over 230 Potawatomi and friends gathered together to enjoy … Continue reading

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Tribal Council Requesting Addresses and Christmas Gift Ideas for Soldiers

November 22, 2010 – A message from the PBPN Tribal Council Addresses and gift ideas request for Prairie Band Potawatomi soldiers in the military   Do you have a loved one serving in the military?  If so, we would like … Continue reading

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Jancita Warrington Sworn In to Tribal Council

November 22, 2010 – MAYETTA:  Jancita Warrington was sworn in to Tribal Council this morning at the Bingo Hall before a large crowd.  She was appointed by the Tribal Council and will go to work today with her term expiring in … Continue reading

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Sylvana Levier-Jessepe Crowned 2011 We-Ta-Se Pow-wow Princess

November 22, 2010 – Sylvana B. Levier-Jessepe was named  the 2011 We-Ta-Se princess at the veteran’s pow-wow last Saturday night.  In the photo above, taken last April, during the Student Awards Banquet she was reigning as the 2009-2010 Prairie Band Princess. … Continue reading

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