January 20, 2025


Big Fat Losers Win Governors Weight Loss Challenge

June 03, 2013 –

MAYETTA:  Seventeen teams from the PBPN participated in the Governors Weight Loss Challenge last spring losing a combined weight total of 563 pounds.

Five-person teams worked for four months in the state-wide challenge issued by Gov. Sam Brownback to lose wieght and become more physically active.  Community winners were: 1st place-Big Fat Losers (5.80% body weight for 60.40 pounds lost); 2nd place-The Winning Losers (5.29% body weight for a total of 69.00 pounds lost), and 3rd place-Flabulous to Fabulous (5.07% body weight for a total of 51.00 pounds lost).

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Big Fat Losers (1st Place): Left to right, Wesley Hale, Raphael Wahwassuck, Bill Jim, Stephanie Jim, and Miyah Danielson.

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The Winning Losers (2nd place): Left to right, Maggie Catron, Nis Wilbur, Juliet Carlisle, and Michelle Torres.  Not pictured, Gina Wahweotten.

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Flabulous to Fabulous (3rd place):  Left to right, Charles Nez, Lan Danielson, Kristina Throssell, and Nevika Mahkuk.  Not pictured, Heather Porter.

Tribal Council provided t-shirts for participants and the Diabetes Program staff were the organizers for the event who held team meetings and other exercise programs and nutrition classes that encouraged participants to lose.

Rey Kitchkumme, one of the participants in the challenge, wrote in a community email: “I hope everyone continues improving their health. I lost 9.5 pounds it was worth it. It finally made sense to me if I get off the couch, out of the house and do some kind of exercise 30 to 60 minutes a day, that only good can come from doing so.”

The Diabetes Program presently offers several exercise classes during the week including Water Aerobics, Aerobics, Exercise in the A.M., Zumba, Chair Exercise with Cody, Noon Yoga, and Tuesday & Wednesday Walks, and Boxing, to name a few.  Last spring the staff also participated in the Walk With Ease program that was co-sponsored by the Arthritis Foundation and assisted with Earth Day activities and the Walk for Hope 5-K walk that was held on May 5 in Prairie Peoples Park.

For the latest Diabetes Program schedule of classes go to