Boys & Girls Club Charitable Golf Fundraiser

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The 10th Annual Boys and Girls Club charity fundraiser kicked off this morning at Firekeeper Golf Course.  Foursome teams were organized and sponsors whose logos are seen above also donated to the club.

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At the registration table is Boys & Girls Club Director Nathan Hale (left), Daniel Goombi, Chairman of the Board of Directors, and John Rundle, who is also on the board.

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At left  is Junior Wahweotten, Tribal Council and Boys & Girls Club board member, with Frank Tecumseh, Director of Human Resources for the Prairie Band Casino & Resort and PBPN tribal member.

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Boys & Girls Club staff who helped with the tournament today were (left to right) Matthew Waits, Kwake Hale and William Evans.

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Golfers Jim and Carrie O’Toole and Jim Merchen.

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Raffle tickets were sold for chances in a putting contest, mulligans, and several door prizes where winners will be selected when they all gather at the casino following the tournament. The Prairie Band Casino & Resort marketing team under the direction of Steve Ortiz, Jr. assists with the fundraiser each year by providing staff and the promotions. Ortiz, assistant general manager of the casino,  has been on the Board of Directors for several years.

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Anita Evans helped with the tournament today and also works at the Boys & Girls Club part time.  She is with her son William Evans.

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Tribal member Jona Rupnicki (left) and Tonya Rodvelt played in the tournament today.  Rodvelt is wearing one of the hats that golfers were given for participating.

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Clockwise is Jamie Hopkins and Cheryl Hopkins who are on the Boys & Girls Club staff with two unidentified young helpers who assisted with the putting contest before the tournament began.

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Casey Ford (left) and Tim Murray played in the tournament and were waiting to tee off.

Other members of the Boys & Girls Club Board of Directors include: Rex Frazier, Sara Meyer, Jennifer Hale, Mike Boswell, Judy Bradley, Doug Holloway and Randy Towner.  The Board meets periodically to advise and support the club’s staff and programs.