Boys & Girls Club Now Accepting Limited Membership


The Boys and Girls Club of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation is re-opening to limited membership due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. We will have 30 spaces available for Club members.

We will be opening in a pod system where Club members will be assigned to a homeroom with groups no bigger than 10 in a classroom. Outside of the classroom, we will have gym, computer lab, and outside activities (weather permitting). Meals/snacks will be provided in the homerooms. Also, at this time we will not provide transportation home.

The plan is to open on March 1st for after-school programming. The 30 spots that are filled will also be included for the Spring Break Week from March 9th-12th.

Each room will have a cleaning regiment throughout the day administered by staff and janitorial.

Participants will need to complete and submit an updated Membership form, Technology Acceptable Use policy, the Bus Transportation form, and the COVID Warning and Waiver form.  All forms are available on the Nation’s website: and are linked below. Club fees are waived at this time.

For further questions, contact Ty Williams at 785-966-3031.