Brennah Wahweotten Crowned Pow-wow Princess

2010 Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Pow-wow Court

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Brennah Wahweotten, second from left, was crowned the 2010 PBPN pow-wow princess.  With her, left, is Sylvana Levier, 2009 princess, and to Wahweotten’s right, is Kacie Boswell, Ashley (Mittena) Hale, and Morgan Thomas who all vied for the honor.  Hale was runner up.

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In order to become pow-wow princess the girls were judged in four areas including interviewing, dancing, cooking and public speaking.  In this photo, Morgan Thomas, 10, was being interviewed by Dora Pelkey, left, Laverne Haag, center, and Dawn “Sogi” LeClere who were judges.

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Brennah Wahweotten, 13, dancing Fancy Shawl.  Little Soldier Singers provided the music for the evening.

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Demonstrating their cooking skills.  Ashley (Mittena) Hale,14, is seen sharing her pork and wild rice dish with the judges for sampling.

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Kacie Boswell, 14, gave a public address to the crowd as part of the contest.

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Sylvana Levier gives us one last smile as reigning princess for 2009.

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While judges were compiling the scores, contestant Morgan Thomas and her partner were having fun in a potato dance contest that was open to the crowd.

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These two won the contest which came with a $50 prize.

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After judging was done, the princess contest resumed and  Brennah Wahweotten’s name was called to receive the crown.  Judging is done by a numerical scoring system in all four categories.

See you at the pow-wow.  Have a safe and wonderful time!