Charitable Contributions 2nd Quarter Awards

July 14, 2016 –

Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Donates Over $90,000 to Area Organizations

By Michelle Simon

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Charitable Contribution Committee held the 2016 Second Quarter Awards Ceremony today at the Prairie Band Rock Building distributing a total of $91,825 to the area community. The event emcee was committee member John Tuckwin. He was joined by fellow committee members Betty Rice, Ruth Vega Harjo, LaVera Bell, and Wanda Treinen.

Twenty-five organizations received charitable contribution awards ranging in amounts from $1,000 to $15,000. (See below for a complete list of recipients). Each organization was called to the front of the room to speak briefly about how their award would be used to benefit those they serve and to shake hands with the committee.

Chris Fisher shakes hands with Charitable Contributions Committee Member Ruth Vega Harjo.

Present today was local news anchor Chris Fisher, with WIBW 13, accepting on behalf of the 7th Annual Clays for Kids event. Fisher related that his organization has experienced a $100,000 reduction in funding due to state budget cuts and every donation received is appreciated.

Representatives from Midland Care Connections, Inc. stand with the Charitable Contributions Committee.

The largest donation of the day was a $15,000 award to Midland Care Connections, Inc. based out of Topeka, Kansas. Midland provides hospice care to the community and has been supported by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation for several years. Jennifer Friedley, Director of Development for Midland stated, “This award helps us continue to provide for the needs of our patients. We are very grateful for the award.” Midland Care Connections, Inc. has provided care to more than 5,600 individuals over the last 10 years.

A representative from the Topeka Community Foundation displays a poster for the 6th Annual Kansas Book Festival.

A member of the Topeka Community Foundation came forward to accept the donation toward the 6th Annual Kansas Book Festival occurring on Saturday, September 10, 2016. Attendees of the event will have an opportunity to meet with authors that have some connection to the state of Kansas, either being from Kansas or featuring Kansas in their writing. Children that attend the event will receive a book.

PBPN Tribal Member Eldon Darnell and associate talk about the Mayetta Pioneer Day Activities.

Local tribal member Eldon Darnell along with his associate accepted an award for the 24th Annual Mayetta Pioneer Days taking place on Saturday, September 10th in Mayetta, Kansas.

Charitable Contributions Committee member Betty Rice shakes hands with a member of Boy Scout Troop #64.

Also in attendance today was one third of Boy Scout Troop #64 with their leader Craig Figge. The Boy Scouts are from Holton, Kansas and plan to purchase a trailer with their award.

Event emcee John Tuckwin requesting a moment of silence in remembrance of tribal member and WWI Veteran Milton LeClair.

At the conclusion of the event, Tuckwin asked for a moment of silence in remembrance to tribal member Milton LeClere who lived a great portion of his life on the common land and was one of the last members of the PBP Nation to serve in WWII storming the beaches of Normandy, France. His name will be included on the Purple Heart monument to be built in Linscott Park in Holton, Kansas this fall. The tribe contributed a donation to the Mary L. Bair – American Legion Post 44 today that will be used to fund the memorial.

Event attendees were thanked for their on-going service to their organization’s endeavors.

Tuckwin then went on to thank all of the organizations in attendance for their outstanding work in the northeast Kansas area and their unwavering commitment to those they serve. The plans of the remaining organizations include hosting a golf tournament to raise funds specifically for patient care at the Hospice of Dickinson County, providing new shoes to children, helping to provide food products and meals to those in need, providing for foster kids, helping senior citizens with food needs in Jackson County, providing rehabilitation scholarships to those suffering from drug and alcohol abuse, helping provide mammograms, providing clothing and hygiene items to veterans, and providing clothing and household items for Native children and senior citizens on remote reservations.

Each fiscal quarter the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation distributes funding awards to various organizations and events promoting community stewardship and long term sustainability of resources for Kansans. The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation accepts contribution requests throughout the year. The funding request application can be found on the Nation’s website In 2015, the PBP Nation donated over $300,000 to the northeast Kansas area.

Complete List of 2016 Second Quarter Award Recipients:

United Way of Topeka Vietnam Veterans of America
Shawnee County Allied Tribes Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
Havensville Rural High School Mary L. Bair – American Legion Post #44
Hospice of Dickinson County Jayhawk Area Agency on Aging
Sole Reason Boy Scout Troop #64
Kansas Book Festival Mayetta Pioneer Days
St. Mary’s Food Pantry Race Against Breast Cancer
Junior Achievement of Kansas Jackson County Community Band
Topeka Active 20/30 Club Meals on Wheels
Midland Care Connections, Inc. 7th Annual Clays for Kids
Countryside Christian Church ECKAN of Douglas County
Harvesters Outreach to First Nation People
Sunflower Wellness Retreat