Childcare Pow-wow Held

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It was a big day for children at the child care center who graduated from their classes with a pow-wow celebration and graduation.  Children graduated from head start classes and recognized for their hard work.  

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Little Soldier Singers & Drummers and We-Ta-Se Post #410 Color Guard provided the grand entry for the pow-wow that was held at the Bingo Hall.

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Naseka Hale was the emcee for the ceremony.

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Reina Rodriguez-Higine with her daughter Sebequah, who graduated.  Reina is also on the staff at the Early Childhood Education Center.

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Left to right:  Lisa Wamego, Nagmo, Nikki, and Robert Jackson.  Nagmo graduated and was dressed in his regalia for the pow-wow.

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Parents, family and friends all gathered to celebrate the children.  Lunch was also served at the end of the event.

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Lillian, the graduate, proudly displays her certificate with proud parents Daniel and Kimberly Goombi.  Kimberly is also on the Policy Council for the child care center.

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Kelly and Callie Hopkins smile for the camera.

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Kristen Aitkens with her little graduate Eva Wamego.