October 31, 2013 –
MAYETTA: The Prairie Band Potawatomi Health Center’s Dental Office is sponsoring a Halloween candy buyback next week after Halloween. Children who bring in sealed-in-the-original-wrapper candy will receive $1 for every pound. Children will also be entered in to a drawing for a grand prize that will be announced at the end of the week.
The PBP dental staff will be available next week when children come in to sell their candy for $1 per pound. Left to right, Debra Lowe, Gayle Lambrecht, Dr. Blaine Knox, and Allison Catron.
Children who bring in their candy can also sign a thank you card or draw a picture along with the candy that will be sent to military troops overseas.
The buy back program is a national effort that began in 2006 and is conducted through dental clinics all over the country. For more details on the program go to www.HalloweenCandyBuyback.com.
The Dental Office is located in the Prairie Band Health Center located at 11400 158 Road, Mayetta, Kan.