Don Don LeClere Employee of the Year

MAYETTA:  Don Don LeClere was named Employee of the Year for 2014 at the All-Employee meeting held at the Bingo Hall this morning.  Verna Potts and Matt Simpson were each named an Employee of the Quarter.

LeClere has worked for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation in various capacities for almost thirty years, according to Human Resources Recruitment Specialist Robert Jackson, who announced the award.

Verna Potts works in the Division of Planning and Environmental Protection Department and Matt Simpson is an officer with the Potawatomi Tribal Police Department.

Below are photographs taken at the meeting:

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Lt. Matt Simpson received an Employee of the Quarter award today at the Bingo Hall.  Also receiving awards were Verna Potts and DonDon LeClere who were unable to attend the meeting.


A large crowd attended the All-Employee Meeting that included work-related presentations and announcements. 

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After the meeting teams of employees competed in a game of dodge ball.