May 17, 2012 –
It was a beautiful day for the End-of-the-Year Early Childhood Education Center pow-wow held today at Prairie Peoples Park. We-Ta-Se Color Guard opened the pow-wow while participants watched.
Tribal Council member Junior Wahweotten gave the welcome at the pow-wow and Little Soldier Singers provided the music. Chago Hale was emcee and is also part of the Little Soldier Singers.
In the graduation hat is Miles Tecumseh who graduated from Class B today and celebrated with his parents Melissa and Frank Tecumseh. Miles also has on a traditional ribbon shirt that was made for the occasion.
Brande Adame with Victoria Brossett who wore a jingle dress today.
Noah Keo-Winsea and Meeks Mahkuk posed for a photograph dressed in their regalia.
Families and graduates entering the pow-wow during the grand entry.
Criss Eteeyan photographs his daughter Pash-shay after she graduated from Class C this year.
Three generations: Cheryl Walker (left) with her daughter, Amber Walker and Class B graduate Byokee Martinez.
Front row, left, is Eli Murphy with Alex and proud mom Jennifer.
Hope Adame, director of the Early Childhood Education Center, helps guide the grand prize winner of a raffle for a new bike out of the arena.