Election Board

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribal Election Board shall consist of three (3) members, a Chairperson and two (2) members appointed by the Tribal Council pursuant to the authority as provided in Section 1 (h), Article V of the Constitution and By-Laws.

The term of the Chairperson and two (2) members shall be for a four (4) year term. It shall be the prerogative of the Tribal Council to reappoint Election Board members to serve more than one term.

No member of the Tribal Council, Tribal Gaming Commission shall serve on the Election Board.

The Tribal Council may also appoint an alternate member to the Board, who at the request and discretion of the Tribal Council may serve as a Board member in the event a regular member is unable to serve.

The Election Board members shall be paid for all duties performed and any, and all expenses incurred in carrying out the tribal elections. The amount the Election Board is to be paid shall be determined by the Tribal Council and set forth in the Tribe’s annual operating budget.

A quorum of the Election Board shall consist of three (3) members. Meetings of the Election Board may be called at any time by the Chairperson or by request of any two (2) members.

In the event the Chairperson fails to call a meeting as requested by any two (2) members, the Election Board may then convene upon proper notification to the Tribal Council.

(Amended by PBP TC No. 2011-052, March 10, 2011)

Election Board Members

The Election Board meets as needed. The Member Services Department accepts and forwards information to the board throughout the year.

  • Edwin Ray Burns – Chairperson
  • Mary Wabnum Mitchell
  • Jeanette Littlesun
  • Alternate – Vacant


The goal of the Election Board is to conduct orderly elections in accordance with the provisions of the Election Ordinance.

The Election Board requires 75 working days to prepare for a national election. The schedule includes a start-up date, date to mail announcement of the upcoming election to adult Nation members, deadline date to file for candidacy, the cut-off date to register (if not already registered prior to an election), set-up date to mail ballots to registered voters and the scheduled election date.

Nation members who are not registered to vote are encouraged to register with the Member Services department located at the Government Center – Lower Level.