Employee Christmas Luncheon Held

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Employees gathered today for the annual Christmas luncheon at the Bingo Hall.

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Barbeque meats, scalloped potatoes, assorted vegetables, pasta salad and cobbler were served.

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Following the meal, entertainment was provided by  members of Tribal Council who competed with employees in a game of  Minute to Win It.  Above, is Secretary Jim Potter and Charlene Anderson during a stack-the-apple contest.

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Left, Treasurer Ryan Dyer and Jim Potts trying to stack three golf balls in a triangle.  Mark Dodd is in the background.

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Another contest involved trying to blow a card to the edge of a table.  Competitors in this contest were Vice Chairperson Joyce Guerrero (in red shirt) and Lucy Nocktonick (in red pants).  Assisting with the card is Liana Onnen, general manager, who was the master of ceremonies during the Minute-to-Win-It game.

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The Human Resources Department staff passed out hams and Walmart gift cards for employees during the luncheon.  Above, left, is Shanna Smith with Cheri Jim.  Door prizes were also awarded to employees who were lucky enough to win.