January 20, 2025


Employees Honored by Tribal Council

MAYETTA:  Long-time employees were honored last Friday morning by Tribal Council at an All-Employee Recognition meeting held at the Bingo Hall.  Service awards were handed out followed by a buffet lunch that was served.  Following the meal, employees were told they were going to receive the afternoon off that was a surprise to everyone. Below are some photographs taken during the event.

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The audience watched as employees were individually called to receive their awards. Members of the Tribal Council and Human Resources department handed out the awards.

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DonDon LeClere received an award for 25-year-plus service to the Nation.  He has been in the maintenance department for many years and has also worked in other positions for the Nation’s government.

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Mary LeClere received a 20-year-plus award and is seen shaking Jim Potter’s hand, who is secretary of the Tribal Council, and part of the receiving line.  Mary works at the Tribal Fire Department and has also worked in commodities and for the Tribal Council when they were located in what is now the Road & Bridge building on K Road.

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Lester “Corky” Sumner, transit department, shakes hands with Tribal Council, and is followed by Amanda Barbosa, finance, who both received 5-year-plus awards.

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Left to right, is Vicki Wahquaboshkuk, Sandi Jim, and Judy Jackson who work at the Early Education Childhood Center and received 15-year-plus awards.

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Road & Bridge employees Brad Rice, left, Alan “Boney” Pahmahmie, center, and Mike Shobney, Sr. each received 10-year-plus awards.

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Staff from the Fire Keepers Elder Center were recognized with awards.  Left to right is Gubba Hale, Nona Wahweotten and Michelle Wabaunsee.  Nona is director of the center and received a 15-year-plus award and Gubba and Michelle are on the kitchen staff and received 10-year-plus awards.

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Elaine Mzhickteno-Barr, interim social services director, shakes hands with Joyce Guerrero, vice chairperson of the Tribal Council.  On Guerrero’s right is Steve Ortiz, Tribal Council chair, and to her left is Junior Wahweotten, Tribal Council member.  Mzhickteno-Barr received a 5-year-plus award.  Following her is Celeste Weber, transit, who also received an award.

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Brenda Pahmahmie was in the General Manager’s office for several years and is now working as a Road & Bridge specialist.  She received a 5-year-plus award.

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The receiving line for the all employee award ceremony included left to right, Shanna Smith and Donna Valdivia-Wofford from the Human Resources Department and Tribal Council members who have previously been identified. Lapel pins and desk awards were handed out as well as other gifts for employees who worked for the Nation the longest.

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 At an earlier all-employee meeting held in July, Jackie Mitchell was honored as Employee of the Quarter and was photographed in her office with her award.  Jackie works in the Finance Department as a contract specialist for the Nation and was nominated by a fellow employee and selected by the PBPN Employee Award Committee.