Enrollment Committee Members Sworn In To Office

MAYETTA:  New Enrollment Review Committee members were sworn into office May 11 by Tribal Council Chairman Steve Ortiz. The purpose of the committee is to review applications for enrollment made through the Member Services Department.


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From left to right being sworn in are Tom Tuckwin, Micki Martinez, LaVera Bell, Marilyn Wakole-Hale and Roy Hale.  Chairman Steve Ortiz conducted the oath of office that was held in the Member Services Department at the Government Center.

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The Enrollment Review Committee with Chairman Ortiz after the swearing in. Front row, left to right, Micki Martinez, Lavera Bell, Marilyn Wakole Hale, Arlene Lingo.  Back row, left to right, Chairman Ortiz, Tom Tuckwin, Roy Hale, and Rose Hale.  Lingo heads the Member Services Department and Enrollment Committee and Rose Hale was sworn in previously at an earlier date.  Not pictured is Larene Thomas who is also on the committee.