Flash Mob Round Dance Protest Held in Lawrence

January 13, 2013 –

MAYETTA:  Hundreds of Native Americans gathered in Lawrence, Kan. on Jan. 12 to partake in a flash mob on behalf of a protest movement called Idle No More that is calling attention to a Canadian Bill (C-45) that has the potential of infringing on land-and-water treaties and changes regarding the leasing of tribal land.

According to an article in the Lawrence Journal-World (Jan. 13, P 3A), the Idle No More protests have been occurring since December all over the world and began with four women who felt it was urgent to form a grassroots movement that addresses the rights of Indigenous peoples to their sovereignty and protecting their lands.   Following the Lawrence demonstration, that took place in South Park, people gathered at the Four Winds Native Center for a potluck dinner.

For more information about the Idle No More movement  visit