Former Health Center Board Members Recognized


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Left to right:  Carrie O’Toole, Joyce Guerrero, Arlene Wahwasuck, Dorothy Simon, Jim Potter, Gilreath Aitkens, and Tom Wabnum were photographed with a plaque that will be hung in the PBP Health Center recognizing the first PBP Nation Health System Board members.  Wahwasuck, Simon, and Aitkens were on the board and the others are on the Tribal Council.


MAYETTA:  Seven members of the first Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation’s  (PBPN) Health System board members were recognized today with a plaque from Tribal Council for their work that led up to the opening of the PBP Health Center facility in 2006. The short ceremony was held at the PBP Health Center in front of approximately 20 people.

The  plaque will be hung in the PBP Health Center and  lists the seven members who were on the committee from August 1999 to April 2004.  They include:  Arlene (Shipshee) Wahwasuck, Chairperson; Mamie (Wahwassuck) Rupnicki, Vice Chairperson; Camilla (Wishkeno) Chouteau, Secretary/Treasurer; Gilreath Aitkens, Member; Angela (Greemore) Wahweotten, Member; Dorothy (Pappan) Simon, Member, and Steve Ortiz, Tribal Council Liaison.  Additionally, the plaque states that “through their perseverance and the motivation of others this facility the PBP Health Center was opened in October 18, 2006.

Three of the seven former committee members were present at the ceremony that included Arlene Wahwassuck, Dorothy Simon, and Gilreath Aitkens.  During the ceremony, Tribal Vice Chairperson Joyce Guerrero gave a brief history of the committee’s work and publicly thanked the members.  Other Tribal Council members Tom Wabnum, Jim Potter, and Carrie O’Toole also gave brief remarks and a word of thanks before the plaque was awarded.

Next, former Board Chairman Arlene Wahwassuck spoke and thanked General Council voters who were in the audience.  She said that it took three times to finally get enough votes for the center to become a reality.  She also said, “Thanks to everyone for being interested in the health of our people.”

Simon and  Aitkens also gave remarks of thanks.

Refreshments were served following the ceremony.