Bernard “Bernie” LeClaire Obituary

Bernard “Bernie” LeClaire died peacefully at Swedish Hospital in Edmonds, WA on July 16, 2021.

Bernie was preceded in death by his father Leonard LeClere and his mother, Lucy. He is survived by his best friend and companion of 45 years, Dolores Braun of Lynnwood, WA; Siblings, Oliver LeClaire, Harrisburg OR, Gregoriann Hanna, Kirkland WA, Sadie LeClere, Jerome ID, Sydney LeClere, Overland Pk KN, Dwayne LeClere, Creswell OR, Cecelia Worlton, Brookings OR and Tim LeClere, Winston OR.

He attended Marty Indian School and graduated from Elmira High School. Bernie was a Lt Colonel in the US Army and served in Korea. Upon leaving active service he joined the Army reserves. He earned a master’s degree in English from the University of Oregon. For 3 years he taught high school English at Stewart Indian School in Carson City, NV. He then accepted a position as a loan officer for the US Dept of the Interior, Bureau of Indian Affairs in Everett, WA and served in that position for 25 years. During that time, he bought 5 tree-filled acres in Stanwood, WA.

His property was his first love and he spent as much time as he could tending his trees, chipmunks, squirrels, and birds. He was a volunteer at the Edmonds Theatre for the Arts. where he worked at building sets for the numerous performances. He had a great love of opera and classical music. Antiquing, finding new restaurants and dining out were his favorite pastimes.

Bernie was a generous man and helped many people, including some on the street who were in need. He donated to St Jude’s, Smile Train and The Humane Society. He had a very dry sense of humor and often teased people, sometimes so subtly that they didn’t know he was teasing. He was a very loyal friend to Dolores; they shared many experiences together and cared deeply for each other. He always made sure she had flowers, inside and outside of her home.

Bernie will be sorely missed and has left a big hole in a heart that loved him. May he find the love and peace he deserves. We ask anyone who wishes to honor Bernie to do at least one nice thing in his name for someone in need.