Rayetta Fern Butcher Obituary

April 18, 2023 –

Rayetta Fern Butcher
January 24, 1936 – April 18, 2023

Rayetta was born on January 24, 1936, in Klamath Falls, Oregon, and died April 18, 2023, in Medford, Oregon. Her parents were Ray and Edit Sheppard, who proceeded her in death. Rayetta was married to William “Bill” Butcher on December 16, 1960, who proceeded her in death.

Rayetta had 11 children: Janice Ownby of Medford, Oregon; Ralph and Silvia Ownby of Kennewick, Washington; Doug and Donna Ownby of Butte Falls, Oregon; Sherry Ownby of Washington; Ray “Gus” and Cindy, Provo, Utah; Rusty and Lori Butcher of Beaverton, Oregon; Parley and Patty Butcher of Richland, Washington; Randy and Linda Butcher of Mountain Green, Utah; Ron and Donna Butcher of Brookings, Orgeon; and Robin Butcher of Clearfield, Utah. Rayetta also had 45 grandchildren, 101 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great-grandchildren.

Rayetta was a member of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.

(Courtesy of Perl Funeral Home & Siskiyou Memorial Park)
