January 20, 2025


General Manager Organizes Ad Hoc Inspection Committee of Department Leaders

August 06, 2015 –



Firefighter/Paramedic Mike Barbosa, far right, hams it up during a luncheon meeting of the newly formed Ad hoc Committee.  The committee is visiting departments in the Nation’s government to inspect for fire safety measures and to examine other departmental infrastructure needs.


MAYETTA:  Jona Rupnicki, new General Manager of Tribal Operations, has organized an ad hoc inspection committee composed of department leaders, the Fire Department, and other staff that are visiting departments and programs within the PBPN government.

Since the Potawatomi Tribal Fire Department conducts annual safety inspections, Rupnicki thought it would be a good idea this year to include managers from Construction/Maintenance and Member Services to come along and learn from department leaders about possible infrastructure changes and needs they might have.  The visits are also familiarizing Rupnicki about the departments and allowing her to meet employees in person.

Carl Matousek, manager of Construction/Maintenance, who is on the inspection committee said Rupnicki’s formulation of the committee was a really good idea because it offering greater communication between managers.  He also said that it was the first time that mechanical and safety inspections have ever been conducted at the same time which should be a cost saving measure for the Nation in the long run.

Rupnicki was hired as General Manager of Tribal Operations in July and is an enrolled tribal member.  She is a former Gaming Commissioner and has years of experience in business.