Golf Course Coming Along

July 13, 2009 –

Wade Toeplitz-Roy Garza LU 7-11-09.JPG

Golf course lake 7-10-09.JPG

ABOVE: Wade Toeplitz, superintendant, and Roy Garza, assistant superintendant for Landscapes Unlimited,  stopped to pose for the camera last Friday while conducting elevation levels for the new Firekeeper Golf Course lake that is being constructed near the intersection of 150 Rd & Q Rd.  The two men reside in Texas but were on site working at the golf course and will stay in Kansas until the project is completed. Landscapes Unlimited is headquartered in Lincoln, Nebraska and has developed hundreds of projects including golf courses and sports complexes since it was founded in 1976.     


Landscapes Unlimited has partnered with NB3Consulting and Jack Brier Design Group to build the 18-hole golf course for the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation.  For more information about the new golf course go to .