June 09, 2016 –

TOPEKA: Members of Tribal Council and the PBPN Powwow Committee met with Kansas Governor Sam Brownback as he signed a proclamation declaring the second week in June of 2016 as “Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Week” in honor of the tribe’s annual powwow celebration.
Dancers, singers and powwow enthusiasts of all ages and backgrounds converge every June at the Nation’s Prairie Peoples Park located in the heart of the common land to attend the PBPN’s annual powwow celebration. The event provides an opportunity for the tribe to share one aspect of its culture with the larger community.

Powwow Committee Members Coleen Thomas and Anna Boswell were recognized by Governor Brownback for all of the effort the powwow committee provides in creating a sensational event for the Nation.
This year’s powwow is set for Friday through Sunday, June 10, 11 and 12, 2016. There are several categories for contest dancing, a drum contest and a variety of specials. For more information on the powwow, click here.