Important Update From DOI on Trust Administration Class Distribution

September 15, 2014 –

Important update!

This information is taken from the


Washington, D.C.: GCG is prepared to commence sending checks to Trust Administration Class Members where we have a current address beginning next week. We anticipate the first checks will mail Monday, September 15, 2014. (Please note that checks may take 5-7 days to reach Class Members once they have been mailed.)

Informational Meetings

Upcoming Events in Cobell v. Salazar

A Letter from Class Counsel

Interior Announces First Transfer from Land Buy-Back Program to Cobell Education Fund

Fraud Alert: Individuals Asking for Bank Account Information

Heirs to Estates: Documents Needed

Update Your Contact Information

Scholarship Fund Information Affidavit of Small Estate Land Buy Back Program
The settlement authorizes over $60 million dollars in scholarships for Indian students. Get the Facts and learn how you may benefit. To allow for expedited payments to estate heirs the Special Master has approved small estate affidavits. The rules differ from state to state. Find out more here. Part of the Settlement will be used for purchase of fractionated land interests. For more information on the Department of the Interior’s Land Buy Back, click here.

Whereabouts Unknown:
Help Locate Your Record

At this time, there are over 30,000 Class Members designated as Whereabouts Unknown and thousands more whose addresses on record with the Claims Administrator are not current. During the first distribution, eligible payments were deposited into a Class Member’s IIM Account. If you believe you or a family member may have a record that requires updating, please help identify such accounts so that future payments may be made directly to the Class Member.


Indian Trust Settlement
P.O. Box 9577
Dublin, OH 43017-4877

Ask Elouise

Ask Elouise is a series of open letters to Indian Country from Class Counsel for Cobell Plaintiffs