Jackson County Planning Commission, Zoning Appeals Board Seeks Applicants

Applications are being accepted for positions on the county planning commission and the county zoning appeals board, it has been reported. Jackson County Appraiser Kate Immenschuh recently reported to the Jackson County Commissioners that several members on both boards have terms expiring at the end of the year. The appraiser’s office is accepting applications for both volunteer boards until the end of the month. The office is located in Room 202 on the second floor of the Jackson County Courthouse. For more information, call 364-2358. 

To obtain a balanced representative of all property owners, applications are encouraged from residents who live in the southwest and northwest part of the county for the open positions, however, all applications will be considered, Immenschuh said.

Current members of the planning commission include Ginger Rodvelt (term expires at the end of the year), Steven Willett (term expires at the end of the year), Marje Cochren (term expires at the end of the year), Willy Wilson (term expires at the end of 2024), Victoria Gilliland (term expires at the end of 2024), Jonathan Wimer (term expires at the end of 2025) and Delbert Boling (term expires at the end of 2025).

Current members of the planning commission include Doug Fisher (term expires at the end of the year), Julie Stithem (term expires at the end of the year), Terry Bernatis (term expires at the end of 2024), Jeff Grimm (expires at the end of 2025) and Steven Willett (term expires at the end of 2025). Both boards meet as needed when there is a planning or zoning issue to discuss and address, it was reported