April 4, 2025
July 26, 2025

Land Maintenance

15185 K Road, Mayetta, KS 66509
P. 785-966-2737  •  Toll-Free 833-346-1452 •  Fax 785-966-2861


Division Mission Statement: The mission of the Land Management Department (LMD) is to protect and regain tribal lands. To accomplish this, the LMD shall invoke the PBPN’s sovereignty and inherent right to its treaty lands. The Nation will assert its paramount and superior claim to any grant of sale of tribal property to other entities-government or otherwise-and will regain tribal properties through land acquisition. Additionally, the LMD is also responsible for the preservation of culturally significant sites; the conservation of the natural environment; the protection of land used for agriculture; and, the assistance in the social and economic development of the PBPN and its people. (PBPN 2012 Annual Report)

The Department is tasked with the main goal of protecting and preserving the Nation’s land. There are several different individual programs within the Land Management Department. Those programs are: Farming, Haying, Fencing, USDA Compliance, Prescribed Burn/Conservation, Specified Land Leasing, Bison and Cattle.

Haying Program: The LMD harvests from 800-1000 bales of hay annually and haying procedures are used to ensure that the tribe’s bison program receives the amount it needs based on weather conditions. Extra bales are sold to other producers in the area.

Fencing Program: The LMD builds or reconstructs fences on an as needed basis to contain the bison and for other property or right of way purposes. The LMD staff is trained and strives to continually update themselves on Tribal Laws & Ordinances and Kansas State laws. On average the LMD staff maintains anywhere from five to 10 miles of fence per year. The miles of pasture fence the Nation owns is typically a maintenance duty of the Lessee.

USDA Programs: With compliance issues being a major part of the LMD there are ongoing contracts with the USDA (United Stated Department of Agriculture). Through the USDA the department is involved in CRP (Conservation Reserve Program), and other disaster relief programs through this organization. The department also is involved with the FSA (Farm Service Agency) and through this branch of the USDA the LMD receives monies to help improve HEL (Highly Erodable Land) through EQIP (Environment Quality Incentives Program).

Prescribed Burn/Conservation Program: This program was established in 2011 and works in conjunction with the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), local fire departments and other tribal nations. Its purpose is to clear and clean land (through regulation) by burning with the intent of rejuvenating pasture lands and natural habitats. When properly managed prescribed burning can create lush and healthy grasslands. In 2012 approximately 4,000 acres of land was burned.

For a Bureau of Indian Affairs Individual Allotment Land Held in Trust to U.S. Government Burn Permit, contact Rick Jones, Fire Prevention Technician-BIA Horton Agency at 785-486-2161.

Specified Land Lease Program: During certain planting, grazing rotations or active lease expirations, the LMD holds lease land auctions for selected sites of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribal Tract properties under the approval of the Nation’s Tribal Council. These declared tracts are to be utilized “as announced” for leasing; changing the use of the tract is unacceptable. Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation tribal members are encouraged to take advantage of these agriculture, haying, or grazing leases when the auctions are held to promote the self sustaining of the Nation.

Bison Program: The Bison Program, also known as the Buffalo Management Program is maintained by the Land Management Department staff. For the Elders’ Supplemental Meat Disbursement Calendar click here: 2025 Schedule.

To download a Land Management Department brochure click here.

Land Management Committee: Formed in 1998, the seven-member committee consists of an elected chairperson, vice-chairperson, secretary, and four members. The group meets once a month at public meetings at the Lands Management Department building.

The mission of the LMC is to protect and regain national land. To accomplish this, the LMC invokes the Prairie Band Potawatomi’s sovereignty and inherent right to its treaty lands. We assert our paramount and superior claim to any grant or sale of national property to other entities — government or otherwise — and will regain our national properties through land acquisition. The LMC is also responsible for preservation of culturally-significant sites, conservation of the natural environment, protection of land use for agriculture and assistance in the social and economic development of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation and its people