Larry Mzhickteno wins Gaming Commission Position 2

March 31, 2009 –

Larry Mzhickteno.JPG

MAYETTA:  The Run-Off Election for Gaming Commissioner #2 was held this morning at the Bingo Hall and Larry Mzhickteno was declared the winner beating Jancita Warrington.


A total of 717 votes were counted with Mzhickteno receiving 368 votes (51.32%) to Warrington’s 349 (48.68%).


Both candidates were in attendance during the election and Mzhickteno said shortly after his win, “I feel great.  I worked all night and it’s been quite a week but I’m ready to get to work.”


Approximately 20 people watched the election results.  Those assisting with the election were Tim Sanchez of Automated Election Service (AES), Albuquerque, and tribal members Marty Hamlin, who served as Election Judge, and Francis Shopteese, Martie Mitchell, Leslie Marshno, and Joe Mendez who served as clerks.  Election board members Voncile Mitchell. Arlene Lingo and June Barber also assisted at the election and Interim Chief of Tribal Police Mike Boswell was the official observer during the election.


A Swearing-In Ceremony for the new Gaming Commissioner has not been set.


Other members on the Gaming Commission include Gary Mitchell, Tom Tuckwin, Tami McClammy, Calvin Evans.