“Mad Dog” Messmer to Speak at Royal Valley High School

February 08, 2011 –


MAYETTA:  Dale “Mad Dog” Messmer,  an ex-convict who did a laundry list of crimes then turned his life around, will be a guest speaker at Royal Valley High School gym this coming Thursday at 7 p.m.  The event is free and open to the public although content may be a little rough for children under 12 years of age.

After his release from over a decade in prison, “Mad Dog” founded The Straight Talk Outreach Program (S.T.O.P.) and gives presentations about what not to choose in life.  He speaks about the dangers of drugs, gangs, violence, and prison from the perspective of one who has been there.

“Mad Dog” has been a regular on the Maury Povich Show and is a life member of the Screen Actors Guild.  He is a certified stunt coordinator and has appeared in numerous programs and films.  He is also a medically/honorably discharged United States Marine, former mercenary, bounty hunter, body guard and pilot.

Royal Valley School Resource Officer Sgt. Russell Whiteside said that “Mad Dog’s” presentations are not just for students but for parents, adults and anyone who wants to come hear a dose of reality.  He said that he has seen “Mad Dog’s” presentation and that it is well worth the time for families with teenagers. For more information call Sgt. Whiteside at 785.215.7564.

The program is being sponsored by a tribal police grant. The school resource officer program has been provided by the Tribal Police Department since 2005 when formal agreements were made with USD 337 and the Jackson County Sheriff’s Department. Whiteside makes daily visits to all three schools in Mayetta and Hoyt and is also active with the Boys & Girls Club activities on the common land.