16281 Q Road, Mayetta, KS 66509
P. 866-277-3722 or 785-966-3910 | F. 785-966-3950 |
Email group-memberservices@pbpnation.org | ONLINE BILL PAY
*NOTICE* Your documents, (I.E. enrollment application and all supporting documents, change of address, voter registration) may be sealed into an envelope and dropped into the Member Services drop box. The box is located south of the Government Center in the parking lot.
Items placed in the Member Services drop box remain confidential, as Member Services staff will be the only ones checking it.
Please, do not put other department mail or election ballots in the box.
If you have any questions reach out to Member Services at 966-3910 or group-memberservices@pbpnation.org.
The Member Services Department processes all official documentation for enrolled Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation tribal members. This includes enrollment, elections, burial and the Vision Service Program. Member Services also assists the Education Department with Minors Trust documents.

All tribal members without a current address are asked to UPDATE THEIR ADDRESS IMMEDIATELY. Click the image above to see if your name is on the list.
Enrollment Cards (minors without a picture)
- An enrollment card verifies that you are a Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Member with your enrollment number and blood quantum listed.
- To replace your child’s enrollment card, call (785) 966-3910 or email group-memberservices@pbpnation.org. In the email provide your child’s name, date of birth, and current mailing address.
- Replacement enrollment card is free.
Tribal ID’s (adults only – 18 years and over, with picture)
- A Tribal ID is your adult verification of membership with the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation. It is also a recognized form of identification.
- Your first Tribal ID is free.
- If you are an adult over the age of 18 and would like to request a Tribal ID contact Member Services. If you do not live close enough to come into the office to get your picture taken for the Tribal ID you can fill out the Photo Tribal ID Request, it must be notarized and mailed back. Photo Tribal ID Requests that are faxed will not be accepted.
- If you have an expired or damaged Tribal ID you can turn it into Member Services, and we will replace it for free. If you live out of the area, mail your Tribal ID and a letter requesting a replacement to Member Services and we will replace the Tribal ID for free.
- Replacement Tribal IDs are $10.00. If you live in the area you can come into the office to pay with cash, credit/debit card, money order or fill out Voluntary Garnishment Agreement with Finance. If you live out of the area, payments can be made at BILL PAY, click on Tribal Government Bill Pay, follow instructions for your payment method. Once you have completed payment through the online portal Member Services is notified via email.
- Replacement enrollment cards and Tribal ID’s are typically printed within 1 business day of the completed request unless there is an issue with the request, in which you will be notified. Shipping time depends on the post office.
Enhanced Tribal Card (ETC)
An ETC card is available to qualifying enrolled Prairie Band Potawatomi members on a voluntary basis who are not in dual enrollment status with another tribe, band or community; AND
- Who are U.S. and/or Canadian Citizens by birth or naturalization; and
- Who by way of source documents can establish his/her identity and principal address; and
- Who can take part in an ETC Application and an in-person interview
An ETC is valid only for international travel by land and sea between the United States, Canada, Mexico, the Caribbean, and Bermuda. It is not globally interoperable and is not valid for travel by air to or from any foreign destination.
What to Submit with Your ETC Application:
- A valid (unexpired) U.S. and/or Canadian Passport
- An original or certified copy of a birth certificate denoting birthplace in the United States and/or Canada issued by the Tribe or a city, state of province.
- Certificate of Naturalization (FRM N-550, N-570)
- Certificate of Citizenship (FRM N-560, FRM N-545)
- Department of State Consular Report of Birth Abroad (FS-240, DS-1350, F-545)
- A Federal, State or Municipal government issued identification card, including a Social Security Card
- A Federal, State or Municipal government issued document depicting marriage, divorce and/or other name changes
Temporary or altered documents are not acceptable.
- Recent utility bill or voter registration of ETC applicant/ parent or legal guardian to establish principal address of card holder
- $25.00 For first ETC Card, $50 for lost or stolen card, $10 for replacement
- The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Enrollment Review Committee oversees tribal enrollment.
- Applications for enrollment are available through the Member Services Department upon request.
- Incomplete applications will be returned to prospective members with 30 days to make revisions before the application goes before the Enrollment Review Committee to determine eligibility.
- The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Election Board oversees all tribal elections.
- All enrolled Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation members are eligible to vote at the age of 18.
- Members will automatically receive a voter registration form in the mail upon turning 18.
- The voter registration form must be on file prior to voting in a Tribal Election.
- Contact Member Services to update your address – Official Change of Address Form
Burial Fund
The Burial Fund was established to help ease the financial burden of funeral expenditures at the time of an enrolled member’s death. The Burial Fund may only be amended or terminated by a vote of the General Council, with a quorum present, and final approval by the Secretary of the Interior.
- The burial benefit will pay up to $6,000 in burial costs per eligible tribal member.
- Tribal members with funeral expenses for a stillborn or premature death of an infant (within the first 12 months of life) can be reimbursed for up to $500 to be paid to a funeral home for burial.
- Required forms are located in the Members Only Portal or are available through the Member Services Department upon request.
- All burial allowance applications and statements must be filed with the Tribal Council within one year from a member’s date of death.
Vision Service Plan
The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation is proud to provide a vision insurance plan that is available to each enrolled tribal member. Turn in the completed form to Member Services,
by fax: 785-966-3950
by email: group-memberservices@pbpnation.org
by mail: 16281 Q Road, Mayetta, KS, 66509
- PBPN VSP Enrollment Form
- Vision Service Plan details.
- To enroll in this benefit contact Member Services.
Minors Trust
The Minors Trust is operated by Providence First Trust Company.
- Contact Member Services for questions.
- Update your address with Member Services – Official Change of Address Form
- Contact Education for forms 785-966-3981.