Message to the Nation – 8.18.20


To the Nation from the Tribal Chair, Joseph “Zeke” Rupnick:

Dear Tribal Members,

Lately, the residents of the common land have seen an increase in the number of COVID 19 cases. This past week we have doubled the number of confirmed positive cases. At the recommendation of Tribal Council, we have decided not to hold any General Council Meetings until October 17, 2020 at 9:30 a.m. which is our next scheduled date.

We feel that for the safety and protection of all, we must remain vigilant and we are asking our members to do the same. Across the Nation, schools are starting to re-open and local school districts are considering doing the same. Many of the schools have suspended classes due to the sharp increase in the number of cases and we only hope and pray that our schools do not follow suit. Under our Constitution, Article V -Enumerated Powers of the Tribal Council Section 1. Tribal Council Powers. Subsection (t). to promote and protect the peace, health, education, morals, and welfare of the Nation and its members, we are dedicated to protecting the health of our community, therefore, postponing any future meeting until the next scheduled time is in everyone’s best interest.

Article X -Meetings, Section I General Council Meeting, the General Council shall have regular meeting on a quarterly basis on the third Saturday of January, April, July and October. In the event that the meeting cannot be held on that date, Tribal Council shall set a new date within 30 days. We are hoping we can have the October 17, 2020, General Council meeting and will do what we can to ensure everyone’s safety. Council feels these are extraordinary circumstances that could not be anticipated, and we hope the General Membership understands.

Finally, I’d like to add that we cannot wash our hands too many times during this outbreak. We should avoid close contact with people that are sick, follow the rule of 6′ (feet) and try not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth. Wipe down frequently touched surfaces often with approved sanitizers and again, if you feel sick, stay home.

I sincerely apologize; I was looking forward to meeting with the members. Please feel free to reach out to me or any other Tribal Council member should you have any questions. Tribal Council will confirm the date and provide notification per the constitution.


Joseph P. Rupnick, Chairman
Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation