New CDIB Cards to be Issued

July 21, 2009 –



MAYETTA:  The PBPN Member Services Department will soon begin issuing new Certified Degree of Indian Blood (CDIB) identification cards with photographs on them.


Arlene Lingo, Director of Member Services, said that other changes made to the new cards are that Indian names can be included (optional) and that Social Security numbers originally on the old cards will be deleted.  Other than that, the information will remain the same including the name of the tribal member, date of birth, enrollment number, and total degree of Potawatomi and other Indian blood.  Minors (who are under the age of 18) that receive new cards will NOT have photographs included on their cards.


Members are urged to go to the Member Services Department in person to have their photograph taken for their new card that they will have processed for them right there. Members are asked to bring in their old card and to know the correct spelling of their Indian name if they want their Indian name included on the new card.


Members who cannot make it to the Member Services offices can submit a quality passport photo in lieu of having one taken by Member Services and should send their information by mail to the department. They can also email their information to


The new cards are good for ten years and are free. However, a $10 fee will be charged if the card is lost or stolen and must be replaced.


The Member Service Department office hours are Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. They are located in the southwest corner on the upper level of theGovernmentCenter at 16281 Q Road, Mayetta, Kan.66509.   For more information call (877) 715.6789 and ask for the Member Services Department.