New Tribal Council Members Sworn In At Ceremony And Outgoing Members Bid Farewell

September 03, 2008 –


Left to Right: Carrie O’Toole, Chago Hale, and Joyce Guerrero were sworn in to office today

MAYETTA:  A large crowd gathered this morning at the Bingo Hall to watch three newly-elected Tribal Council members get sworn in to office and to say goodbye to those Tribal Council members who are leaving.


Preceding the swearing-in was a farewell reception for outgoing Tribal Council members Rey Kitchkumme and James Wabaunsee who came forth and were publicly thanked and given a Pendleton blanket by Steve Ortiz, tribal chairman.  Kitchkumme served on the Tribal Council for10 years and Wabaunsee served for four.  Jackie Mitchell, another outgoing member who served on the Council for eight years, did not attend.


Sworn in to office today were Joyce Guerrero, Chago Hale, and Carrie O’Toole who won a position on the Tribal Council in the last election and will serve for the next four years.  Guerrero will serve as vice-chairperson and Hale and O’Toole as members.  Other members of the Tribal Council besides Chairman Ortiz are Jim Potter, secretary, Ryan Dyer, treasurer, and Junior Wahweotten who is a member.