January 20, 2025


Notice of Clarification to Tribal Members About Election

August 04, 2010 –


August 3, 2010


In the recent election, preliminary results were announced and posted on the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation website.   These unofficial results announced Steve Ortiz as winner of the Chairman’s position, Rey Kitchkumme as Gaming Commissioner.  Run-off elections were unofficially announced between Juanita Jessepe and Warren Wahweotten, Jr. for the Council Person #1 position and between James Wabuansee Potter and Dawn “Sogi” LeClere for the Secretary position.

The Election Board reevaluated the preliminary result of the July 24, 2010 election on Monday, July 26, 2010.  This reevaluation included a review of the Constitution of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation to ensure the appropriate application of the Constitution to this election, as there was some question as to whether a run-off was warranted in the election for the Council Person #1 position.  There were no errors in the tabulation of the votes only in the interpretation of the Constitution.  Based upon this reevaluation, it was determined that the race for the position of Council Person #1 was won by Mr. Warren Wahweotten, Jr.

The Constitution of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation states:

Successful candidates for elective office shall receive the support of at least fifty percent (50%) plus one vote of those voting.

The vote count in the race for Council Person #1 was as follows:

Warren Wahweotten, Jr.           484

Juanita Jessepe                         278

Susie “Nis” Wilbur                   199

Total Votes                              961

50% of the total votes would equal 480.5 votes, which would mean a total of 481votes were needed for an outright win in the Council Person #1 race.  Mr. Wahweotten received 484 votes.  Mr. Wahweotten exceeded the necessary votes for the Council Person #1 race by 3 votes.

No protest of this determination was received by the Election Board by the protest deadline of Wednesday, July 28, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.  Mr. Warren Wahweotten, Jr. was sworn into office as Tribal Council Person #1 on Thursday, July 29, 2010 along with Steve Ortiz as Tribal Chairman and Rey Kitckumme as Gaming Commissioner.  The ballot for the run-off election between James Wabuansee Potter and Dawn “Sogi” LeClere is forthcoming.

These are the official results of your Tribal Council Election.  Any questions about this election, the run-off or any other election related questions, may be addressed to Member Services at 785-966-3911, 3934 or toll free at 1-877-715-6789.

Thank you for your participation on our election process.


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Election Board