Notice of Vacancy – 1 Tax Commissioner


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation seeks one (1) interested person to serve on the Tax Commission.

Primary responsibilities include the administration of the below PBPN Law & Order Codes, attendance of quarterly and special Tax Commission Meetings, and all other duties assigned under the PBPN Law & Order Codes:

Title 10-General Revenue and Taxation

Title 13-Business Licensing

Title 32-Hemp Legalization and Control Ordinance

1. Submit a letter of interest to the Tax Commission (resume and other certificates are optional but may be submitted).
2. Must be able to pass a background check for the regulation of Hemp requirements.
3. Tax Commissioners not employed by PBPN may be eligible for a stipend per meeting.

The letter of interest can be submitted in the following formats: hard copy or pdf files. Drop off, mail or email to the PBPN Tax Department.

The PBPN Tax Department is located in the upper level of the Government Center at 16281 Q Road, Mayetta, KS, 66509. Documents can be emailed to For further questions or clarification contact, 785-966-3998.