January 20, 2025


Notice on PBPN Becoming Sex Offender Registration and Notification Jurisdiction

March 17, 2011 –

MAYETTA:  The following is a notice from the PBPN Attorney’s office regarding the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation becoming a sex offender registration and notification jurisdiction.

      Legal Notice

Pursuant to a 2007 Tribal Council Resolution, the Nation will become a sex offender registration and notification jurisdiction pursuant to the Sex Offender Registration Notification Act (SORNA), Title I of the Adam Walsh Child Protection and Safety Act of 2006. The SORNA establishes minimum national standards for sex offender registration and notification in jurisdictions that include all fifty states, certain Indian tribes, U.S. territories, and the District of Columbia. The Nation is in the process of amending the Potawatomi Law and Order Code to add provisions for sex offender registration. The Potawatomi Law & Order Code amendment will require individuals who are convicted of certain sex offenses to register with the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Police Department if they do any one or more of the following: live on the common land, work on the common land, are a student on the common land, visit the common land over 24 hours, or if they are convicted in tribal court as a sex offender. The frequency and duration of registration and personal appearances with the Police Department vary according to the offense committed. The planned date for the law to go in effect is July 1, 2011. For more information, please contact the PBPN Police Department at 966-3024.