Notice to Tribal Members: Important Info About Per Capita Payments

November 06, 2012 –

  Notice to Tribal Members


MAYETTA:  Here is an important statement from PBPN Director of Finance Amanda Barbosa:  “Please renew the W-9 form attached with the PBPN PerCapita Department as soon as possible.”  For the form click here.


The form must be filled out and signed and sent to:


PBPN Per Capita Office

Attention:  Jim Garcia

16281 Q Road

Mayetta, KS 66509-9114


This is required for all future PerCapita Payments/Disbursements.  Failure to return the W-9 form could stop future Per Capita/Disbursement payments owed to you. If you have any questions, please contact Jim Garcia at 785-966-3993.”