September 5, 2024
September 7, 2024
September 28, 2024


Official Election Results

The Election Committee certified these results July 27th, 2022

Final results

  • Joseph “Zeke” Rupnick retains his position as Tribal council Chairperson with 71.18% of the votes cast.
  • William “Bill” Evans retains his position as Tribal Council Member #1 with 58.98% of the votes cast.
  • Rey Kitchkumme retains his position as Gaming Commissioner #3 with 100% of the votes cast.
  • Shawnna Wabaunsee retains her position as Ethics Commissioner #2 with 100% of the votes cast.
  • Allison Pahmahmie retains her position as Ethics Commissioner #3 with 100% of the votes cast.
  • Lianna Onnen retains her position as Ethics Commission Chairperson with 100% of the votes cast.

The winning candidates will be sworn in, Tuesday, August 2nd, 2022 @ 10:00 at the Old Bingo Hall.

The Tribal Council Secretary position will go to a runoff election August 20, 2022 between:

  • Lorrie C. Melchior with 34.98% of the votes cast
  • Charissa Wahwasuck-Jessepe with 28.4% of the votes cast


Winning members from today’s election. Left to right: Joseph “Zeke” Rupnick – Tribal Council Chairperson, Shawnna Wabaunsee – Ethics Commissioner #2, Rey Kitchkumme – Gaming Commissioner #3 and William “Bill” Evans – Tribal Council Person #1.