Pahmahmie Sworn in as Treasurer

April 27, 2017 –


PBP NATION – At 10 a.m. the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation held a swearing in ceremony for Wade Pahmahmie to officially assume the duties of Tribal Council Treasurer. Chairwoman Liana Onnen presided over the event and conducted the official swearing in.

Following the oath, Mr. Pahmahmie spoke briefly. He began by telling a personal anecdote of applying to work for the Nation. He originally applied for a laborer position at the Road and Bridge department, however the Human Resources director at that time, pushed him to a position in Finance. Over the course of 17 years, Pahmahmie has held several positions within the Finance department, and most recently served as the director of the department.

Pahmahmie went on to thank everyone for their support of him not only in the election but throughout his career with the tribe. He thanked his staff for all of the work they contribute to the Nation and the long hours they put in to ensure everything runs smoothly.

Concluding the ceremony, attendees were served caked and congratulated Mr. Pahmahmie on his new role for the Nation.

– Photo Gallery –

Wade Pahmahmie reciting the oath to take office.

Tribal Council Treasurer Wade Pahmahmie with a Pendleton gifted to him by the Tribal Council.

Tribal Council: Chairwoman Liana Onnen, Vice Chairman Zach Pahmahmie, Treasurer Wade Pahmahmie, Member Jr. Wahweotten, Member Juanita Jessepe, Secretary Camilla Chouteau.

Wade Pahmahmie is surrounded by the Finance staff. Pahmahmie is known for wearing his sunglasses, so his staff followed suit for this fun picture.