PBCR Gaming Expansion: Phase II Complete

September 16, 2016 –

PBCR Gaming Expansion is Complete!

Pictured are (Left to Right) Ryan Rose Slot Floor Manager, Larry Mzhickteno PBPN Gaming Commissioner, Camilla Chouteau PBPN TC Secretary, Amanda Barbosa PBPN TC Treasurer, Ryan Bandt PBCR General Manager, Denise Marshall PBPEC Secretary, Chuck Wahweotten PBCR Security director and Ruth Vega Harjo PBCR Human Resources director.

PBP NATION: The Prairie Band Casino & Resort has completed their $10 million expansion. The second phase of the project included the expansion of the establishment to allow for an additional 200 slot machines to be added to the gaming floor. The planned open date was January 2017, however through excellent execution and management of the project it opened three months ahead of schedule.

Tribal Council Secretary Camilla Chouteau and Tribal Council Treasurer Amanda Barbosa had the honors of slicing the ribbon at the Grand Opening Ribbon Cutting Ceremony on September 16, 2016. They were joined by the Prairie Band Potawatomi Gaming Commission, the Prairie Band Casino and Resort General Manager Ryan Bandt, and Denise Marshall, Secretary of the Prairie Band Potawatomi Executive Corporation.

The new machines are the latest games on the market, with Prairie Band Casino and Resort being the first to implement them in the Northeast Kansas gaming area. Games range in denomination from pennies to $1.00.