PBP Nation First Tribe Approved Under USDA Hemp Final Rule


PBP NATION- On July 13, 2021, the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation was the first tribe to receive official approval from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) for the Nation’s Tribal Hemp Plan amendments under the Final Rule which took effect on March 22, 2021. Since then two additional Tribal Plans and six State Plans have received approval under the USDA’S Final Rule.

The implementation of the USDA approved Tribal Hemp Plan is contingent upon the approval of the Nation’s Title 32 Hemp Legalization and Control Ordinance, or the “Hemp Ordinance,” which was approved by the Nation’s Tribal Council effective August 12, 2021.

The Nation’s Tax Commission worked diligently in a collaborative effort to align the Nation’s tribal Hemp Plan with the USDA’s Final Rule. The Commission which includes PBPN Tribal Council Treasurer Wade Pahmahmie and Tribal Council Member Ronald “Tony” Wahweotten along with PBPN Tax Director Tonya Negonsott-Rodvelt and Compliance Specialist William G. Mitchell are extremely proud of this accomplishment which furthers future innovations for the Nation’s commerce.