January 20, 2025


PBP Nation Proclaims April Sexual Assault Awareness Month


WHEREAS, sexual violence is a serious and pervasive crime and 43.6% of women (nearly 52.2 million) and nearly a quarter of men (24.8% or 27.6 million) in the United States experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime;

WHEREAS, four in five American Indian and Alaska Native women (84.3%) have experienced violence in their lifetime and one in two (56.1%) have experienced sexual violence;

WHEREAS, there are limited resources in Indian Country that serve victims of violence and their children, and provide safety and victim assistance; and sexual violence breaks the core of the human spirit and jeopardizes the future and wellbeing of Tribal nations, villages and communities;

WHEREAS, Native women are among the most vulnerable, suffering the highest rates of sexual violence, intimate partner violence and stalking; and can have life-long consequences emotionally, mentally, socially and physically;

WHEREAS, everyone has a right to be safe and ending sexual violence requires the leadership of survivors, support of tribal leaders and collaborative efforts of law enforcement tribal justice systems, public health officials, tribal programs and our community members; it is important that everyone shares a strong message that sexual violence is unacceptable and not our tradition as Indigenous people; and

WHEREAS, sexual violence remains one of the most prevalent, yet underreported crimes in the U.S. and in Indian Country; therefore, be it

RESOLVED, that the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation proclaims the month of April to be Sexual Assualt Awareness Month, recognizing survivors of sexual violence and advocates and others that serve them during April, that we stand united in our commitment to end all forms of sexual violence in Indian Country and on Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Common Land.

NOW, THEREFORE, the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation do hereby proclaim April as Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We call upon Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation members, law enforcement, tribal organizations, health officials and all community members to speak out against sexual violence and support efforts within our Nation to assist victims of violence and the healing they seek, and return our Nation to ways of respect, compassion and safety.