January 20, 2025


PBP Participate in October as Domestic Violence Awareness Month Events

MAYETTA:  October is Domestic Violence Prevention Month and several activities are taking place on the common land as a means of bringing people together to make them aware of the serious issue.

Throughout the month, the PBP Family Violence Prevention (FVP) Program will provide a series of newsletters to all PBP email users about domestic violence and how to deal with its various forms. In addition, the FVP staff  will host a “Walk a Mile in Their Mocs” 5K Run/Walk in Prairie Peoples Park this coming Saturday.  Registration begins at 8 a.m. and T-shirts will be handed out on a first-come-first-serve basis.  At 8:45 a.m. a balloon release will be held that will be followed by a 5K/Run at 9 a.m.

The Tribal Victim Assistance Program, that is housed in the Tribal Police Department, will also provide a two-day Domestic Violence Scenario Training that begins tomorrow and runs through Thursday at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort. Topics for the training are on Myths/Facts of Domestic Violence and “In Her Shoes” and sessions on role-playing and healing through art will be held. Things kick off at 8 a.m. and will run until 4 p.m. both days.  Registration is not required but appreciated.

President Barack Obama has also declared a proclamation of October as National Domestic Violence Month that can be seen on this website at

In related news, a Red Road Workshop is being scheduled for October 13 and 14 at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort that will discuss the holistic concept of cultural and traditional teachings based on healing. The PBP Alcohol & Drug Program and the Sac & Fox Nation of Missouri are co-sponsoring the event that will feature Rick Thomas (Dakota-Isante) who co-founded the Red Road Approach to healing.