PBPN Charitable Contributions – 2021 2nd Quarter

7.8.21 – The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation distributed charitable contribution donations to representatives from 17 different organizations during a brief awards ceremony held at Prairie Band Casino & Resort.


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation Charitable Contribution Committee distributed $53,415 to 17 northeast Kansas organizations at a ceremony held at the Prairie Band Casino and Resort today. The cash awards will be used to invest in the lives of our neighbors and extended community in a myriad of ways, including but not limited to, funding for an after school performing arts program, scholarships, increasing access to historical records, promoting healthy lifestyles, increasing awareness for breast cancer, providing lifesaving AED equipment, preventing crime, training assistance dogs, implementing gardens, assisting with a new habitat for golden lion tamarin monkeys, and to support the Topeka Fiesta Mexicana and Mayetta Pioneer Days.

Recipients List

Alzheimer’s Association
American Heart Association
Arthritis Foundation
Banner Creek Science Center
Community Health Care System
EmberHope Inc.
It Takes A Village, Inc.
KSDS Assistance Dogs Inc
Mayetta Pioneer Days Association
Onaga Historical Society
Our Lady of Guadalupe
Race Against Breast Cancer
Rossville High School Alumni Scholarship Foundation
Shawnee Regional Prevention & Recovery
Sunflower State Games
Topeka Zoo & Conservation Center