PBPN Charitable Contributions Ceremony

July 03, 2015 –

MAYETTA:   The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation donated $70,800 to area charities during their 2ndquarter distribution awards ceremony on July 9 at the Prairie Band Casino & Resort.

Some Topeka groups received large donations including Meals on Wheels ($10,000) and Midland Care ($10,000).  The Family Service and Guidance Center and Topeka Active 20/30 Club each received ($5000).

For a complete list of donations click here.

The Charitable Contributions Committee is comprised of six tribal members, who along with Tribal Council, selected 21 organizations to receive the quarterly distribution.  Areas that are focused on when determining the distribution of funds include groups involved in education, health and community services, environmental protection and preservation, and religious organizations that have an impact on the spiritual wellness and quality of life for all.

The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation is one of four-federally recognized tribes that is located in northeast Kansas and is headquartered near Mayetta, Kansas.  The tribe has almost 5,000 tribal members and is a federally recognized sovereign nation.