PBPN Earth Day This Sunday

Bike race.JPG

Last year’s Earth Day 3-mile bike ride.

MAYETTA:  Don’t miss the 14th Annual Community Earth Day Celebration (Mnokwabem Komisnan) this coming Sunday at Prairie Peoples Park being sponsored by the Division of Planning and EPA.  The event is free and open to the public.

This year’s activities will be concentrated in the arena area of the park instead of at the west end near the archway entrance as in year’s past. Registration begins at 8 a.m. and activities get underway at 8:30 a.m. Events include a Fun Run, 3-mile Predictor’s Walk, 3-Mile Bike Ride (ages 7+) and other games as planned.

Food vendors will be available for breakfast and lunch as well as the snow cone lady for snacks. There will also be a raffle and tree/shrub give-away throughout the day.

Free t-shirts will be available on a limited basis with registration. Other groups assisting with the event will be the PBPN Language Department, Boys & Girls Club, Family Violence Prevention, and Diabetes Prevention program.

Bring lawn chairs, water bottles and walking shoes for a day of celebrating the earth and all of its beauty.  Recycling will be practiced to keep the park clean.

For more information call 785.966.2946 or click on the flier found under Community on this website.