PBPN Join ‘Rock Your Mocs’ With Selfie Pic Challenge

MAYETTA: Wearing mocassins and taking a selfie picture to share is the rage across Indian Country today.  According to national and Native American media sites, the movement called Rock Your Mocs is in its third year and celebrates November 15 as a day of Native pride and way to honor Native American Heritage Month.

At the local level, Jayme Thomas, who is on the PBPN Language and Cultural Department staff, organized the Rock Your Mocs challenge in the PBPN community.  Over the past few days, she has been sending electronic messages for people to send in photos of themselves wearing their mocassins by 10 a.m. today. Below are the results of the local challenge that were beautifully collaged together:  Winners include:  Season Dominguez, Jackie Mitchell, Osh LeClere, Adele Wahwassuck, Nikki Jackson, Shaina White, Samantha Wahquahboshkuk, Sandi Shopteese, Erin Hubbard and Connie Malone.


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