PBPN Makes $70,000 Contribution to NE Kansas Organizations

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PBPN Chair Liana Onnen, event emcee, looks on as the recipient from Willow Domestic Violence Center of Lawrence, Kan. shares how the funding received will be used to help those in need.

PBPN contributes $70,000 to NE Kansas Organizations and Events

Each quarter the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation distributes funding awards to various organizations and events promoting community stewardship and long term sustainability of resources for Kansans.
On April 7, 2016, the Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation presented $70,000 in funding amongst 18 programs and agencies within the Northeast Kansas area.
This quarter’s recipients included:
AIHREA American Indian Health & Education
Alzheimer’s Association
American Heart & American Stroke Association
The Arthritis Foundation
CASA – Court Appointed Special Advocates
Donnelly College – Kansas City
Family Service and Guidance Center of Topeka
First Nations Student Association at the University of Kansas
Kansas Senior Games
Kaw Valley Chapter MOAA
Mayetta Cemetery
Museum of the Kansas National Guard
National Alliance on Mental Illness of Kansas
Our Lady of Guadalupe Fiesta Mexicana
Sertoma (Great Topeka Duck Race)
Sunflower State Games
Topeka Blues Society
Willow Domestic Violence Center of Lawrence
Pam Evans, Director of Marketing and Development for Family Service and Guidance Center said, “Thank you for taking our children and families into your hearts,” as she received a charitable contribution on behalf of her organization.
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The awards ceremony was held at the Prairie Band Casino and Resort Convention Center at 11 AM. Tribal Council along with the Charitable Contribution Committee were present to deliver the awards.Chair Liana Onnen, concluded the event by thanking all of the recipients for their hard work and dedication to the various communities they serve in the Northeast Kansas area.