PBPN Operations Update


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation will remain in Phase III of the Reopening plan until further notice. All tribal programs are available with most buildings open to the public, with a few exceptions.

The PBPN Boys & Girls Club is operating with virtual programming and remote activities, however, the center itself is not open for any activities.

The Early Childhood Education Center is available for current attendees but is not taking on any new children.

The Prairie Band Health Center and PBPN Housing services are available by appointment only.

The Fire Keepers Elder Center will continue to provide curbside and delivery meals, but the facility will remain closed until safety barriers have been fully installed.

The Bingo Hall is available for community functions of 45 individuals or less but may be approved for up to 60 for governmental functions. The Rock Building will remain closed. Prairie Peoples Park, tribal playgrounds, and basketball courts are available for use.

Social Distancing of 6 feet, masks, and a temperature check are required for entry at all tribal buildings.