January 20, 2025


PBPN Participating in National Observances for October

October 14, 2008 –



MAYETTA: Some Prairie Band Potawatomi Nation (PBPN) departments are holding their own activities and events during October in conjunction with the following nationally-designated weeks or monthly observances.  The following is a list of some of the activities and events that are planned.


Red Ribbon Week


The PBPN Early Childhood Education Center will celebrate Red Ribbon Week from October 20-24 with the following activities to be held at the Center.


Oct. 20            Decorate Your Door-with drug free messages

Oct. 21            Sock it to Drugs-wear crazy socks to stay drug free

Oct. 22            Wear Red Day-wear red to stay drug free

Oct. 23            Don’t Let Drugs Turn You-wear clothes inside out

Oct. 24            Hugs Not Drugs-children bring a stuffed toy to school


Red Ribbon Week is a statewide inititative where red ribbons symbolize a unity against the illegal use of drugs.  The Early Education Center is in its sixth year of observing the week.

In addition, the Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat event for the children will be held at the Boys and Girls Club on Thursday, October 30 at 10 a.m. for the morning session and at 2 p.m. for the afternoon session.


Domestic Violence Awareness Month  


The Social Services Department has been providing information about domestic violence issues through the PBPN interoffice email system and Rebekah Jones of the Crime Victims Assistance Program will give a presentation on domestic violence awareness as part of the Potawatomi Tribal Police Department’s week-long 10th year anniversary celebration scheduled for the last week in October.  In addition during the week, tribal police officers will give lunch-time presentations at the FireKeepers Elder Center and hold an open house that will bring back some former Potawatomi police chiefs and officers is scheduled for October 29.  Refreshments will also be served.  Below is the daily itinerary for the week.


Potawatomi Tribal Police: 10th Anniversary Celebration Week


Oct. 27                Animal Control & Wildlife Conservation Presentation

11:30 a.m., FireKeepers Elder Center

Oct. 28                 K-9 Dog & Shooting Range Presentation

11:30 a.m., FireKeepers Elder Center

Oct. 29                 10th Anniversary Open House

2 p.m.-4 p.m. Tribal Police Headquarters

Oct. 30                  School Resource Officer Presentation

11:30 a.m., FireKeepers Elder Center

Oct. 31                  Crime Victims Assistance Program &

Emergency Communications

11:30 a.m., FireKeepersElderCenter

Halloween for kids,

5:30 to 8:30 p.m., Tribal Police Headquarters


For more information call the Tribal Police Department at 785.966.3024.


National Healthy Indoor Air Quality Month


The Department of Planning and EPA are in the process of sponsoring programs designed to educate people about pollutants of indoor air including tobacco smoke, radon, lead and mold during the month.  Call the department ‘s office at 785.966.2946 for details.


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month


The PBPN Human Resources department recently sponsored a fund-raising campaign for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month that allowed employees who donated to the National Breast Cancer organization to draw for an administrative day off and to wear jeans to work for the month.