PBPN Tribal Police Department Safety Precautions Implemented in Response to COVID-19


The Prairie Band Potawatomi Tribal Police Department is making the following procedural changes in accordance with CDC guidelines. Our department is committed to providing safety to the community.

The Tribal Police Department remains fully operational, staffed, and ready to respond to the needs of the Community. Tribal Officers will continue to respond to all emergencies, in-progress calls, and other priority responses.

The tribal community and guests to the common land should also be prepared for tribal officers to practice social distancing as well as the use of personal protective equipment (PPE) as necessary. Please do not be alarmed if an officer talks with you while standing 5 to 6 feet away. This distance is recommended by the CDC to keep the community members and the officers safe during this health concern.

If a tribal officer is wanting to speak with a community member or guest to the common land, they may ask you to step outside to gather information. Again, this is only to keep the community members, families, and the officers safe.

Effectively immediately, the Tribal Police Department is suspending low priority services:

  • Station tours
  • Ride-a-longs
  • Motorcycle helmet fittings
  • Public Engagements
  • Property returns

Services such as Vehicle Registration, Car Seats, Hunting & Fishing licenses, Records Request and employment related fingerprinting will be by appointment only.

The Tribal Police Department also encourages community members to contact the Tribal Police Department by phone to ask questions or to file non-emergency reports, rather than coming to the police station. Communications personnel will triage the request and determine whether a police officer should respond in person or handle the situation by phone. Individuals coming into the lobby of the Tribal Police Department will need to be prepared to communicate with officers and staff through the Dispatch window.

During these unprecedented times, members of the Tribal Police Department remain committed to providing critical emergency and public safety services to our community. The above measures are implemented with that goal in mind and ensuring the protection of lives and safety for all community members.

The Tribal Police Department can be reached by calling (785) 966-3024.